Hi everyone!

I'm really happy to show you my last personal project started this winter.The Dryad is a sort of bust, sculpted with super sculpey, it's about 200 mm, 130 mm exactly, 100 mm from the ground to the eyes. It will be cast by GRX Creation very soon cause I can't wait to paint it!

Hope you like her
  • Michael Volquarts

    great work martin…..

  • Lucky-LBT

    WOW, love this sculp

    • Martin Lavat

      Thank you very much! It will be availabal before this summer :)

  • Vincenzo_Geo_Alberici

    Abolutely gold, for me!

  • Ulrich "Dwarf" Biroth

    Wow, that is something special. Cast? Not a single piece. Very tempting

    • Martin Lavat

      Thank you Ulrich! It will be cast by a pro very soon :)

  • Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud

    Il me semble t’avoir déjà dit tout le bien que je pense de cette pièce, alors je me contenterais d’une belle médaille d’or! :-)

    • Martin Lavat

      Oui merci Dude pour ces bons retours, çà fait bien bien plaisir!

  • Melanie

    Shes awesome :)

    • Martin Lavat

      Thanks! Glad you like her!

  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Absolutely a marvellous piece, like it a lot!!!

    • Martin Lavat

      Very clad! It will be cast very very soon:)

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Brilliant! I want one :)

    • Martin Lavat

      Thank you very much, it’s not cast for the moment.

  • eric wolfsPLUS
