He's pretty small, standing 20mm to the tip of his ears. Mostly painted with Vallejo Model Colour. Base is constructed mostly from plasticard and foamed PVC.
He was a real joy to paint and although I missed getting him done in time for the Platoon Britannica Best of British online comp, I was fortunate enough to take gold at Salute 2012 with him in the single sci-fi category.
Thomas "Stoessi" Stoesser
Very, very cool! Great base and beautiful paintjob. What model is this?Jon "Maxvon_d" Geraghty
Hi, Thomas. Thanks for the comment :) I thought he was called Smudge but he's actually <a href="http://www.hfminis.co.uk/shop?product=smudgester-(b)~hfsf110&category=miniatures~sci%2dfi-aliens">Smudgester, by Hasslefree Miniatures</a>Kyle "Mr Lee" Cruickshank
Great job on this! So much character!