I found this miniature very difficult! It is so detailed I found it hard to get a clean finish on every single part. I still enjoyed the final outcome and learnt a lot doing it. I haven't done a detailed freehand for a while and I really enjoyed that.

Hope you like him
  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    Sometimes a painting is just perfect. Gold and editor. Chapeu!

    • andy_wardle

      Thank you so much!

  • Sergey "Ravenswood" Gybin

    Awesome colors and godlike NMM. G-O-L-D

  • Riccardo "RA" Agostini

    You did an outstanding job on a very difficult model to paint. Bravo!

    • andy_wardle

      Thankyou! I did find it difficult, but it was rewarding!

  • Jason Zhou

    Fantastic work. I love it. Gold for sure.

  • A.Demidov


  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I see what you mean. Somehow the sculpt is overloaded with 11.5 % unnecessary details. I love your paintjob still. Sharp. Precise and technicly superclean!

    • andy_wardle

      Believe it or not I actually removed some details! Thanks Roman, very kind of you

  • Roberto Sirchia

    Level: Atomic bomb!!!

  • luisgomezpradal

    Amazing piece!!..congrats

  • Kristian Simonsen

    Amazing paintjob! The best version, I’ve seen of this model.

    • andy_wardle

      Thanks Kristian!

  • Sergio Calvo Rubio

    beautiful NMM!!! :D

    • andy_wardle

      Thanks so much Sergio! Influenced by you of course ; )

  • Matthew "edmundnormal" Betts
