As you know I do not like painitng miniatures for one certain angle of view. But I wanted to make this one as a kind of experiment on reflections in metal. And when I had a spherical helmet... Well, I could twist those reflections to look good only from the front view. So I placed the shield in front of the model. Plus to make the metal look shiny enough I had to paint all other parts darker and less saturated. Can't say I love the result much, it was kind of quick work and it was easier to finish it as it is than to repaint some parts. But still I want to share it with you. And anyway I have learnt a lot. Next time I am sure I could make it much better.
Thank you!
Young miniatures bust
oils and tempera
Every so often I come across a work that sticks out and becomes ingrained in my memory. This polished piece now joins the ranks of such works. Your really pushed the boundaries on this one and I commend you, sir.
I do not know what impresses me most?
The representation of the metal, the eye on the shield or the reflected colors of the metal in the face painting. Everything has succeeded, just fine.
I like it very much!
Fantastic work in general, but particularly on the reflections…I don't see how you could have made this better!?…and I say this as a professional 2D artist (when I am not daydreaming about painting figures!)
Sergey Savenkov
Металом просто убил :-)Steve Haydon (Forté)
Incredible.Andreu "Morglum Minis"
The NMM effect of the helmet in the first view is one of the most spectacular I've seen. Thanks for this work so inspiring!Sergey "Adv" Papkov
Убил всем. И росписью лица, и шлемом, и колористикой.. всем... как после такого красить продолжать?!..Martin Lavat
The metal is insane!!!Paolo-Di-Poce
inhuman levelA.Demidov
А мне фрихенд оч понравился)Curmudgeon
The helmet is incredible, are they cypresses? Well it will be that it has not been so bad ;)Gianluca "Branzu" Buttigliero
Love your style... Gold!girlpainter57
i wish I could get as close to reflective metal as this ,can't wait to see how you can improve this . goldEric 'Flunk' McCartney
Every so often I come across a work that sticks out and becomes ingrained in my memory. This polished piece now joins the ranks of such works. Your really pushed the boundaries on this one and I commend you, sir.pit rehmkePLUS
I do not know what impresses me most? The representation of the metal, the eye on the shield or the reflected colors of the metal in the face painting. Everything has succeeded, just fine. I like it very much!Jero Miniatures
I'm speechless. Its gorgeous Dimitry. Wish someday I could see such pieces live. Thanks for sharing your art with us.Legendarion MC
А-хре-неть! Металл просто бомба!Rhiana, "Cyradis"
This is thoroughly inspiring!Roman LappatPLUS
You are my hero. Truely, Dmitry. Absolutely adorable paintwork with soul!Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkk! ^^rafaelega
Awesome. Like the results!!! GOLDJens Riber Poulsen
Dmitry... Are you comepletely insane? :D Amazing work.Clive Jackson
Fantastic work in general, but particularly on the reflections…I don't see how you could have made this better!?…and I say this as a professional 2D artist (when I am not daydreaming about painting figures!)Steven ZuleskiPLUS
Incredible metal work. That helmet just says it all!Matthew "edmundnormal" Betts
Utterly, utterly ridiculous.Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
WooooooooooooooooooooW, 100%Marc MussatPLUS
pure beauty !eric wolfsPLUS
wonderfull !!!Steve Brodie - Telford
thats stunningBentheMiniPainter
Amazing work; and the helmet is incredible!!Moinyjonathan
I have no words to express how I feel when I look at your work. It´s so fantastic !Holger SchwarzPLUS
Grandios und faszinierendSteven ZuleskiPLUS
Stellar performance!Mariano del Olmo
Fesechko, truly amazing. Gold!CORB
Gold Que dire? La perfectionAlex Minko
Дмитрий, это эпик!)