Alien Commander / Produced by Papah

Heavily converted, based and painted in 48 hours during the February Dogma48 in Copenhagen. A friend and I decided to use an image as inspiration for a piece each and ended up with completely different results. Due to the timeframe of only 48 hours and the scale of the project I decided to go for a more rough style.

Follow me on Instagram for Work in Progress:

Hope you like it as much as I enjoyed painting it,
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Gold for realism!!!

    • Mads Jespersen

      Thanks. Went for a realistic and quite monotone color palette to put him in a “realistic” scene.

  • Jens Riber Poulsen

    You spend so much time on that drone! :D Gj Mads :D

    • Mads Jespersen

      It’s somewhere out there.. :) (I also made a drone but decided not to put it on the piece)

  • Theren "Canny" Williams

    Awesome! pure awesomeness.

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    thanks a lot for your bronze vote ! flagged immediately as inappropriate !

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    I apprciate you voting for my Rocroi diorama, but to be perfectly honest I would have preferred you abstaining from voting altogether. When you give a bronze vote this has a terrible impact on the overall mark, as my Jacobite went from gold 90.4 to 88.5 because of your vote. I perfectly understand that you did not like the fig, that’s OK, but giving a bronze vote ! either you do not vote, or you give a silver. My fig has now no chance whatsoever to reach gold again. So think twice before giving away fast bronze votes to anyone, which I never do especially on fanta figs which are not my speciality.  Marc

  • The_lost_tau

    This is ridiculous!  Love it.  Btw your IG link doesn’t work.  Also, you have a sister named Line, tell her I said hi!

  • jerome

    horrible !