Polish Hussar Nobleman
Polish Hussar Nobleman
Polish Hussar Nobleman
Polish Hussar Nobleman
  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Top quality painting. It’s a gold for me.

    • Marco Greco

      Thank you Theodoros!

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    great painting !
    gold of course !

    • Marco Greco

      Thank you again for your gold.

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Gold my friend!!! Great paint!!!

  • Phantom Duck

    beautiful painting, gold by me and see the rating ;)

    • Marco Greco

      Thank you for your gold Phantom, but the rating is always silver for all of my works…

  • StephanPLUS

    not at all, gold from me,
    very good textures

    • Marco Greco

      Thanks to you Stephan too!

  • Bran

    A painting without a low spot.