Hello everyone!
I wish to present you my new painting work on the new Big Child Creatives´s release, of his line Songs of War. It is the version with the alternative head of Sword of Dawn. I decided to face the figure in this time in a different way, more focused on playing with the lights and proyected shadows, to create a more typical effect of the illustration´s field.
I await your comments to know what you think about the final result!
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Lo has conseguido perfectamente, tiene un aire de “comic” muy logrado.

  • Sergio Torregimeno

    great effect and painting. Love it GOLD

  • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

    Excelente !!!
    Me encanta tu version con esa gestión de la luz !

  • dohyeong kim

    great painting!

  • Ruben_Martinez

    Thanks for all your comments! It is a difficult proposal, and I am pleased to see that the result pleases you! ;)

  • luisgomezpradal

    Me encanta el tema de la sombra proyectada….una pasada los rosas tremendas!!!

  • Fenbeiduo

    The contrast of volume and hue are nice.gold

  • Gabisflyingcolours

    The atmosphere and shadows on this piece is just stunning!