250mm scale / MiniSocles / (2018)
Here is the last mini I have just finished this week-end.
As usual, painted with oil.

The original sculpture was done by Romain VdB, a long time ago.
I had decided to not reproduce the Afghan girl (you can have a look on a nice version here:, but to do another version of the bust, with another atmosphere.

So, she’s Colomba della Rebbia, from Prosper Mérimée novella. my blog, you will find step by steps and WIPs and more photos and news and next ideas… and “white undercoated minis” !
Y. :o)
  • Jakob V

    Oh I missed this. Great version. Very interisting with the change in eye direction
    • Yannick Degiovanni

      And I missed your comment ! Thanks a lot, Jakob :) :) :)
  • Entrevon

    Très jolie pièce, j'aime beaucoup !
  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

  • Flo « FFF » Rochet

    Les yeux font tout le boulot! Super ambiance en un regard!
    • Yannick Degiovanni

      Merci beaucoup :) A la réception du buste, une fois en main, changer la direction du regard s'est de suite imposé. Toutes les versions eintes que j'avais vues reprenait la photo originale, j'avais vraiment envie de changer radicalement le point de vue. Ravi que cela fonctionne :) :) :)