Medieval Blacksmith (TGB Miniatures)
Medieval Blacksmith (TGB Miniatures)
Medieval Blacksmith (TGB Miniatures)
A lovely piece full of character. I really enjoyed painting this one.
  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Gold for you in response to the bronze you awarded me ;)

  • Denniz Hedin Salo

    Great job on this, really poweful bust.

  • Militarist_Studio

    Looks great!

  • pit rehmke

    The motif lives from the face, you have shown this well. I might have chosen a different hair color to add contrast, but that is a matter of taste. Good work.

  • Sergiociarrocchi

    Molto bello

  • Patrik Ruzic

    Amazing paint. Gold

  • Holger SchwarzPLUS

    Hello Steve ,

    Die Bemalung eines Schmied ist Dir sehr realistisch gelungen ! Lederkleidung
    Hammerstiele und Feustlinge Extraklasse - sehr Ausdrucksstark ! Gold für Dich
    und Beste Grüße aus Deutschland