Her old life was wrong in so many aspects.
She was controlled by her masters who build her.
Her body and mind were abused until she decided to remove her old skin.

Wonderful sculpt by Ouroboros Miniatures.

Thanks for having a look and happy painting to you!


For Sale - If you want to support me in my work, art and passion feel invited to see my
https://www.romanlappat.com/uploads/RomanLappat_MiniatureArt_2017.pdfPDF cataloge
You can follow my work here:

  • Steve Haydon (Forté)

    The marks on the skin really tell more of the story.
  • Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"

    Roman, You're one of a kind. Seriously. Outstanding work, I have no words to describe this "old" skin. Regards, Sławol
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you very much for the kind words, Sławol!
  • Tapio SalminenPLUS

    Love the glistening sticky strands between the body and pulled-off skin. Did you use UHU glue to make them?
  • Jakob V

    I really like it. I was walking my dog this morning thinking about you piece. Nothing weird about that, except it was because it made me think about symbology of it, and what it meant in my own life. How you have done the skin, the inside of the skin, the marks on the skin (almost like abused cattle), the sticky strings, the selfconfident radiant look in her eyes and the angelic inner revealed is telling a story. Pure art. Beautiful,
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks, Jakob. Yes for me it also was a poetic project with deep meaning!
  • Daniel (mill0r) Lunau

    This is such a nice version of this Bust! I really like the "webbing" you added to the torn skin at the shoulders and the small little details like the tattoos. Furthermore that is the most detailed Buttcrack i ever saw ! ;) Greets from Cologne
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Buttcrack Challenge! Some parts of miniatures are often forgotten. Not this time! I keep an eye out for the next one. Let's see if I can do an even better one! :D ... thank you, Daniel!
  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Not my kind of miniature at all but I love the way you created a story into it. As always great paintjob :)
    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you, Martin. Yes, she is an interesting sculpt!
  • Daniele "Found" Trovato

    Love it!
  • Francesco ThauPLUS
