
This is a bust I painted at the end of this summer for a video process that will be able on Miniature Mentor soon. I am so happy with the result of the video and the painting itself, as I believe will be very helpful to learn my way of painting and interpretation of volumes.

Thanks to Hera Models for the miniature and Raul García Latorre for the wonderfull sculptwork.


  • NateZhang

    like the skintone very much,gold!!!!

    • mmasclans

      Thank you! :)

  • Jesús Gómez

    Lo dicho en redes sociales, un figurón.

    • mmasclans

      Gracias Jesús! A ver si te animas con esta, que las de Raúl se pintan solas!:)

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope


    • mmasclans

      Gracias Eduardo! :)

  • Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)

    Me gusta mucho, que piel mas bonita.

    • mmasclans

      Gracias Daniel, me alegro que te guste!

  • Trent "BigDeno" Denison


  • Lucky-LBT

    fantastic Bust and such a good painting.
    All Thumbs up

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Incredible skill

  • Jero Miniatures

    Masterclasss. Me la guardo per a visitarla sovint.