Once more a scene with animals. I have much fun by sculpting this scene. The idea is out of a animal documentation film.
For sculpting i use a mixture of supersculpey with Kato clay over a wire sceleton. The painting was done with acrylics.
I hope you like it. Comments are always welcome.
Herman aka Glitterwolf
Awesome!pit rehmkePLUS
Hello Erich, Wonderful scene! Fantastically modulated and the painting simply excellent. I like it very much. Gold!!Luc "Windtalker" Vanpoucke
Fantatic sculp & painting, Wooooooh, TopBran
Fantastic scene.Marc MussatPLUS
great work Erich !eric wolfsPLUS
Really a great sculpting and painting work. GoldSteve "Babelfish" Riley
Beautifully done.