This is my first large-scale diorama. It has always been a childhood dream of mine to build something like this. I learnt a lot building the piece. I wanted to tell a story that could be interpreted in different ways. Is this nature fighting back? Is this a human acting as an emissary?

My overall intention was to create a little juxtaposition with the barbarian coming out of the water, painted with muted colours, whilst the frogs are painted as South American Poison Dart Frogs, very colourful and occupying the higher ground on land. I wanted the colours to be bright and confronting with a touch of an Avatar mystical alien feel. I know this was a risk with some preferring a more muted colour pallet but I wanted to push the boundaries as far (or too far as a matter of perspective). The miniatures from Ares Mythologic, Aradia and Ouroboros Miniatures where perfect to realise my vision.

This was too big to photograph in the lightbox so had to settle for a bit of midday sunshine :-)
  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    This is friggin' amazing. I think the henchman frog is my favorite (the vividness - wowza!). You put so much detail into it, and it is wonderful :)
  • Jakob V

    I think this is easily your Best work! Kudos for boldness! Looking forward to seeing it in Real life!
  • Hansrainer Peitz

    I love it - something to strive for.
  • Herman aka Glitterwolf

    Great work!