Painting with acrylic AK Interactive, oil Abteilung 502.
This is a work, commissioned for the Russian studio Attica.
https://www.facebook.com/atticaminiatures/, http://attica.su/
You can always contact me on the page in the FB
Or sergeypopovichenko@gmail.com
Andrey Miroshnichenko
Замечательно! Конечно же - gold!Jakob V
Beautiful work!Marc MussatPLUS
great work fig and base !Fabio Naskino Fiorenza
OrooooSteve Jourdain
Magnifique, du bonheur pour les yeux!!! Or, or, or et orluigigraffi
Simply amazing!!!Clive Jackson
Another cracking piece! Gold!dlanor61
You make my day Sergey , Platinum !John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Master of the craft!!!pit rehmkePLUS
Strong work Gold.Perfect Tommy
Wow! It looks like he is going to walk off the plinth and stab me. Unreal! Gold for you, yet again!Theodoros Giannakopoulos
Great shield and atmosphere, Sergey. Gold.Cormin
Very nice paint work, as always. Nothinh else, than gold. By the way you have asked me few weeks ago which metal color I am using. So here is the ansver : I am using mainly Vallejo Metal Colors for airbrush ( see link below ) . Especially for large parts as a helmet it is a good option. Shadows are than maid by oil colours ( black, brown, blue, etc. ) , but I think you are using similar tchnique. https://acrylicosvallejo.com/categoria/modelismo/metal-color/Evgeny Golubev
Отлично. золото!