Hi guys….I so glad to show you my last proyect…I have just finished one of most difficult proyect I have confronted...It is a scene with the three bakemonos of Rackham Brand (28 mm), with their familiars and three undead getting out their tumbs...I have tryed to give some dinamisc and feedback between yakemonos and the undeads….so critical situation!!!..It is a comisión work. Thanks to Javi to give me the chance to Paint it, to Alex for neverend storm of ideas, David Arroba for the photos and obviously to my wife Sandra and son Hugo whose give me the stheght of tiger...aurg aurgggg!!!
Jakob V
Super cool!!Josu Araiztegi (Noblez)
Vaya currazo. Orooooooooooooo.gino2dope poppe
I'm always happy to see painted Rackham figures. When they are painted as good as these, it just makes my day! Pure gold. Cheers, Gino(2dope)Vladimir_Golubev
Gold!Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)
Espectacular!! menudo currazo te has pegado.Perfect Tommy
Fantastic! The ambiance is wonderful!Oscar San Miguel
Fabuloso Luis!!! Oro.Herman aka Glitterwolf