Hey all, I’d like to share my take on The Mother of Dragons from Nuts Planet. I painted this in early October and sharing now as I painted it as a birthday gift for my Mother and Father because their birthdays are the day after the other (Mums today Dads tomorrow) and they love Game of Thrones so I tried to go with a more Emilia Clarke looking take on the paint job. I didn’t share it until now because I didn’t want them to get wind of it.

Funnily I never really looked closely at the box art and find it extremely amusing that my version and colour choices are so similar to the box art (whether you believe me or not).

Anyway Happy Birthday Mum & Dad love you both more than anything and I am very lucky to have such a great family.
  • Kara Nash

    Nice present for the folks. Interesting to see a miniature without a lighting effect from you.

    • DavidColwellPLUS

      HAHA wow, I actually hadn’t really thought about that before.  It’s quite incredible to think that I had only done one bust with just the basic standard light scheme before this and that was the one I did in Roman Gruba’s class last year.  Might have to think about doing more but I like my lighting effects :)

    • Kara Nash

      Lol. No problem with painting obsessions. I’ve got a colour scheme obsession I’ve not gotten out of my system yet. Never give up on something that makes you happy.

  • Jakob VPLUS


  • Werner Kellens

    Beautiful work!

  • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

    Great version !! Very inspiring

  • Bran

    The most beautiful painting I saw on this bust.