Medusa, always painted as a monster, was actually a tragic charactor. She was a pristress in Athena's temple, was raped by Poseidon. Instead of helping her, Athena punished her by turning her into the hedious monster. And we all know what happen to her in the end.
  • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

    I suspect the painting is pretty rockin’, but perhaps you could snag some photos that aren’t so blurry?

    • Loy JM

      Sorry guys, it is a bit blurry. Still working on my photograpy skills. Especially for these miniatures.

    • Rhiana, "Cyradis"

      Minis can be tough for sure. There is a great pinned topic on the Reaper Mini forums, under Shutterbug, that may help. The painter who wrote it is a pro photographer, and he helped me a ton!

    • Loy JM

      Thanks Rhiana.

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
