Hi! I know holidays must be used to rest, but as i only have them to paint out of comissions...well, then i try things i usually don't have time enough.
Hope you like it, i tried a very focused light on the upper part and another kind of NMM, less obvious than i use to do.
Dani Darkmetal
Estas obligandome a que me guste el histórico Arnau. Te odioArnau LazaroPLUS
Es que tienen cosas super chulas, hay unos templarios y unos caballeros por ahí que flipasDani Darkmetal
Has visto las nuevas de Víctor Aguilar? Las que ha hecho para Semper Fidelis, son crema macho, muy apetecibles de pintarNateZhang
great job man,gold!Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thanks a lot Nate!Eduardo Garcia Lope
Fabuloso, qué dominio del color y la luz.Arnau LazaroPLUS
Muchas gracias! Es lo que mas me preocupaba, darle un rollo interesante a la luzMarc MussatPLUS
a little beauty !Arnau LazaroPLUS
Thank you very much Marc!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Absolutely amazing workPerfect Tommy
That gold is unreal, so gold for you!joseluiscabrera
espectacular. ORO