My first sculpt and paint figure.
From concept to model.
I'm really enjoy the steps to make this happen.
Hope you will like it~
  • Nick M

    Very cool! Nice figure and I love the contrast in your painting

  • Andrey Miroshnichenko


  • pstockley

    Very nice, I like the contrast on the fabrics, Gold!

  • NateZhang


  • Alien852

    Thank you guys~

  • Kara Nash

    A sculpt too! Woo, I really appreciate the little bit of extra skin folds on the hips, lovely little detail most skip over.

    Shine of the cloth is spot on, I’d throw a bit of contrasting colours into the highlights and shadows to create more contrast and interest.

    Nice piece.

  • Alien852

    Kara, thank you very much~
    A very details comments.

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Gold work!!!