Let me introduce you the newest Bust from the ZabaArt Production - with the time limited pre-order offer you will get the GOTROG AXE as a gift with your purchase.
Have a nice day friends :)

  • Nicol Bonacina

    I bought this beautiful piece at Euroma. I can’t wait to paint it!!

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Nice! Would love to paint it.


      Tank you soo much :)
      Im happy you like him

  • DavidSrba


  • RaTr

    Had this in my hand and it’s great! And big! Real enemy for the dwarves :D

  • Alfonso Ciattini

    Stunning!! Gold for me!

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Super cool, I love it!

  • Jens Riber Poulsen

    Highly unrealistic that he should be able to kill a dwarf ;)
    Gj with the sculpt though :D

  • Bran

    Great sculpt

  • Fabio Naskino Fiorenza

    Molto bello

  • Josh "Zozimus" Pattison

    Wonderful!  It reminds me of an old favourite mini from decades ago:  “Gutlagg Ogre Exectutioner” from Citadel!  :)  I loved it and this is a great moment of nostalgia for me.  Thanks!

  • Poisonauta

    Beautiful work Lukas! Very smooth and cool composition.