For what it's worth, this is my first bust. I spent about 50 hours on it from start to finish and I'm really proud of the result. Most importantly, I learned a lot about shapes, shadows, highlights, etc. There is no where to hide when painting something this size (as opposed to 28 mm miniature), so that really forced me to study and learn.
I am open to any critique and commentary you may have as I'm in this to learn and excel. Thanks for taking the time to view the photos and read this far down the page. ;)
Richard SharpPLUS
Good work mate. Keep pushing yourself and you’ll go miles.John Cordiano
Thanks so much Richard! I appreciate your encouragement and the feedback you gave me in the early stages of this one.Nicol Bonacina
Good job!John Cordiano
Thanks, Nicol! I appreciate it!Maya
Well done :-)John Cordiano
Thank you, Maya!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Tremendous.John Cordiano
Thank you, John!Hansrainer Peitz
After watching you struggle with him so long, I think you can be proud of the result. Keep up the work, I’d love to see you grow further - keep pushing yourself.John Cordiano
Thank you, Hanzrainer! You're so right. I had a moment in the beginning where I just put him down for over a month and I would stare at him on my desk. It's like he was just taunting me. I like to think I won the staring contest. :) Thanks again for the encouragement. It means a lot!