• Phantom Duck

    very nice gold by me , love the textures


    • yjxbyby

      Thank you so much

  • Bran

    Well done :)

    • yjxbyby

      THX Bran

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Il est presque plus beau comme ça.

    • yjxbyby

      Merci beaucoup !

  • NateZhang

    stunning work ,gold

    • yjxbyby


  • Perfect Tommy

    The treatment of the uniform is exquisite!

    • yjxbyby

      Thank you!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Só well painted- your a wizard and instead of a wand you conjure things with. Brush. I’m going through your gallery/ I’m very ...no no extremely impressed. Gold