A dive into history as I reconstructed the marble flooring of the ancient roman senate 'CURIA JULIA' built by Caesar.
The model is of Master Class, 75mm.
Hope you guys like it.
Ich bin begeistert von Deiner Bemalung hier ! Die Hauttone sind Extraklasse !
In Bild 4 die Schienbeine und Füße einfach toll ! .....................Gold
eric wolfsPLUS
Très beau, ce sol. Belle figurine.Josh Munta
merciPhantom Duck
nice work man, love the scenery! theoJosh Munta
Thanks TheoBran
The marble floor is superb, very realistic, skin of the natural character, bravo for this magnificent achievement.Josh Munta
Appreciate it BranTheodoros Giannakopoulos
Gold. Carefully painted each detail of the figure and the scenery.Holger SchwarzPLUS
Ich bin begeistert von Deiner Bemalung hier ! Die Hauttone sind Extraklasse ! In Bild 4 die Schienbeine und Füße einfach toll ! .....................Goldvincenzo gambinoPLUS