Two 1/18 heads,painted with Jo’Sonja acrylics,hope you like them.
  • Dirk R.

    Looks absolute realistic - great paintjob !

  • Darloc

    It’s deeply disturbing that you keep the head of small beheaded men on sticks. Stunning work, so lifelike. Wonder how much time you spent on them!

    • Darren_Han

      Thanks! I spent about 10 hours for each head.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS


    • Darren_Han

      Thanks for vote!

  • NateZhang

    incredible job on this kind of scale!gold!

    • Darren_Han


  • pstockley

    Incredible, you must have the eyes of a hawk.

    • Darren_Han

      I wish I have,Thanks!

  • Aleksander Kursov

    Looks very cool and realistic! Gold!!!

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    So inspiring, wonderful!

  • Michel

    AMAZING!!! Like a real human… GOLD!

    • Darren_Han

      Thanks for your vote!

  • Bran

    Awesome painting !!

  • kouhung Chung


    • Darren_Han


  • Eugene Dravskikh

    GOLD! Very impressive. I copied to my piggy bank. I will study

  • Alex ✍

    Love your painting ❤️

    • Darren_Han

      Thanks,my friend!

  • Jesús Gómez

    I love them, I try to do something similar but I do not know how realistic these faces are

    • Darren_Han

      Thanks,I think your style is really amazing!

  • Jorge Budagosky

    Automatic Gold and favorite. Your painting level is outstanding. Congrats.
    Where did you learn to paint in this way?
    Wonder if there is a tutorial for this style of painting on the web

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    They seem real. A wonderful paint

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    brilliant !

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • David Gironés Ortiz Nowothny

    Brutal gold

  • bruno

    Più veri del vero!

  • Steve "Babelfish" Riley

    An absolute master-class in head painting. Incredible!!!!

  • John Delamere

    Ed Harris wants his head back.
    These are amazing!