
I just finish to paint this bust. Napoleon was quite small so the bust also is small 1/16.

First time for me to paint a napoleonian miniature, because this period wasn't my favorite. But the experience was quite cool because I learn a lot about this troubled moments in european history. Let me tell you this history of blood and .... much blood with some information for ignorant people like you : Napoleon won a war against the undead army of the Night King from the North beyound the Wall. His girlfriend has two dragons and some theories says maybe he may be the heir of the Targaryan family ...so his girlfriend is his aunt and his father is his uncle

Well, well ... to tell the truth, I'm not really, really sure about that, but I'm specialist of this period only since 5 days so maybe Wikipedia would tell you better information

This bust was sculpted by the talented Greg Girault for his brand Cop Project


Some specialist told me that Nap' was allways well shaved ... okay ... but the night watch can't be shaved every day ! So I try to keep some realistic aspect.

Hope you like it as I like to paint it and I like that you like it ...

You can vote for it If you like it and more important you can leave a comment :) :)
  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Ce n’est pas ma représentation de Napoléon préférée, trouvant la sculpture un peu éloignée du modèle. Mais tu t’en es quand même bien sorti, surtout que ce n’est pas, je crois, ta période de prédilection.

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Salut Eric !
      Merci beaucoup. Et en effet, ce n’est pas mon kiff, par contre j’ai trouvé cela plus plaisant qye je ne pensais. Peut-être ne pas avoir à réfléchir qt à la théorie des couleurs. J’y reviendrai certainement avec le buste que a fait pour Young ...
      Mais tout de suite ...

  • Bran

    Bravo Laurent pour cett belle peinture sur ce buste de petite taille au 1/16…. cela mérite une belle médaille. :)

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Merci Bruno !!
      En effet, le buste est petit par rapport aux autres !!!

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    nice work my friend !
    the face is for me the best part of the fig !

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Thanks Marc ! Painting uniform is boring ... The most important is the face and giving expression ...
      Maybe it’s why I prefer bust

  • Steve Jourdain

    Bien vu ce Napoléon, or pour moi

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      Salut Steve !! tu vas bien ?
      un grand merci de la part de ce tout petit buste !

  • ArtNiak

    Hi Laurent. I am shoked about your vision of history. And maybe you are favorable to the MAP or pivot age, but it should never be expressed in the beard or Napoleon… however. Writing in english in P&P makes us feel more important, and more talented painters. And that is the most important thing for poor weirdos like us. Cheers.

    • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

      I’m happy you like it. And I agree wi ziou : writing english in P&P (Pretention & Popularity) give me the feeling to be a better painter. I’m so gifted in english that it will be a shame not sharing my art, my thoughts, and my nintendo characters. I realize that when I talk french with my sudist accent -which smells good the cigale and th aioli- i’m not so good with the brush and I only want to play pétanque with my glass of pastaga. thanks !!