“I don't expect you to follow me. I expect you to follow her.” -Cage, Edge of Tomorrow

Emily Blunt’s character Rita Vrataski first appears in the movie Edge of Tomorrow by the way of a propaganda poster that Tom Cruise’s character sees every time he relives the day. Which happens a lot. The poster is suitably heroic for a character also known as Angel of Verdun or Full Metal Bitch. She got her nickname(s) after single-handedly winning the battle of Verdun against alien mimics.

Black Veil Models’ 75 mm figure shows Rita in a similar pose than in the poster, so I decided to finish the illusion and give the figure a backdrop and a dead mimic to stand triumphantly upon. I also build her a new blade to more accurately match the rotor blade sword she’s using in the movie. Lastly I added some missing tubes to the exoskeleton.

Trying to replicate the idea of a propaganda poster was a fun project. Sculpting the base was interesting, since the original poster has only very cartoonish tentacles showing a very early-production idea of mimics.
  • girlpainter57

    a great concept , and beautifly painted

  • Bran

    Well done !! Very nice concept, I like your work !! Congrats.

  • Alien852

    Love it~ Gold!

  • Blast Model


  • Jakob VPLUS

    Oh my! That is crazy nice. Great idea with the propaganda poster. Well done

  • Alex ✍

    Great idea an execution ❤️

  • Kyle Maitland

    Now that is quite sharp.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Woaw !!

  • Chris / g0rb

    Immediately recognizable, and very well done! Gold

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    It does look like a propaganda poster! The background is beautiful and also how you included the figure in the colorful ambience ...

  • Sébastien "BoarWorkshop"

    really really nice vignette, awesome atmosphere

  • Patrik HurtigPLUS

    The execution of this project is just perfect. The attention to detail, through the sword to the backdrop is jawdropping.

  • Tapio SalminenPLUS

    Thanks for the comments everyone! This was a labour of love, even if it did take quite long in the end.

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    Super! GOLD !