Finally I can share with you some figures I've sculpted as part of the project "Hyperborea" by Aradia Miniatures.

The first character is JOTUN, a big troll with a lot of faces ;)
The small medieval knights are sculpted in digital 3d, and the Troll is traditionally sculpted with Super sculpey + Fimo.

Concept by Stefano Moroni.
Photography by Wendy Wendygital

The project is aready available at kickstarter here:
  • Riccardo "RA" Agostini

    I love it!

  • Ioannis PapadakisPLUS

    Detailed sculpture, gold work.

  • DavidSrba


  • Mirko Cavalloni

    This is a crazy sculpture
    while painting the box art it was an indescribable fun to give life to every detail. You really feel that you also enjoyed sculpting it.
    Thanks again to the crazy imagination of Stefano Moroni for having designed a character so crazy and stuff of Aradia for the passion in producing it ... good luck for the kickstarter