"The fight had lasted long enough. The exchange of blows made it appear that the two fighters were at the same level. But the Russian veteran decided that he had already played enough with his opponent and in a fast and agile movement, especially because of his tremendous size, sent his rival to sleep. A dodge inside, a direct to the gut, and with the force of the hip he crossed a fist that turned his head like a spinning top. He contemplated the dejected man from above. Stay where you are."

¨El combate había durado suficiente. El intercambio de golpes hacía parecer que los dos luchadores estaban al mismo nivel. Pero el veterano Ruso decidió que ya había jugado bastante con su contrincante, y en un movimiento rápido y ágil, sobretodo por su tremenda envergadura, envió a su rival a dormir. Una esquiva por dentro, un directo a la tripa, y con la fuerza de la cadera cruzó un puño que hizo girar la cabeza como una peonza. Contemplo al hombre abatido desde arriba. Quédate donde estas."

Sculpture by Raul Garcia Latorre for Beyond Miniatures. Thanks to Arnau and Alejandro for the model. Hope you like it!

  • Clive Jackson

    This is a great study…particularly like the hair effects! Gold!

  • Alex ✍

    Great job ❤️

  • Bran

    Excellent !!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Brrrr Gold, of course

  • AdrianBonomi

    Espectacular Marc!!  Mas allá de los tatuajes ..  el trabajo en el pelo es brutal!! lo mismo que con la expresión en los ojos!!

  • Perfect Tommy

    I love the whole thing, but for some reason the chest hair is exquisitely done! Gold for you sir!