Grand Master from "Scale 75 ", white metal, 75 mm.
custom wall, painted with acrylic .
  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov

    Шедеврально! Просто нет слов, чтобы выразить насколько хороша эта работа.

  • Blast Model

    very atmospheric. gold

  • Alex ✍

    This is stunning! Great work ❤️

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great !!! gold

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    love the atmosphere ! gold !

  • Bran

    For your first achievement on P&P you present us a masterful achievement !!

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Fabulous, gold for you!

  • Jeannot goedendag


  • pit rehmke

    Wonderful atmosphere!
    Great idea and staged in a fantastic way!
    Like it a lot.

  • Maiorov Stepan

    Очень сильно!!! Работа супер!

  • Nikolay Yurin

    I would like to thank all those who appreciate my work. Special thanks to those who left comments, спасибо, спасибі, tack, merci, gracias, danke. It is a particular pleasure for me because it’s just my third work in a 54/75 mm scale which I’ve painted (I also made a few works in 1/6 scale painted not so brightly). I usually paint miniatures in 1/72 scale.

  • Kyle Maitland

    This is absolutely stunning, love the lighting and fresco.  Thank you for sharing.

  • pstockley

    Great atmosphere

  • Nikolay Yurin

    Kyle Maitland, pstockley
    Many thanks.

  • Loskutov_Vadim


  • Dirk R.

    Absolute great - wonderful light and shadow effects !


    fantastic painting and ambiance !

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    Однозначно золото !!!

  • Nikolay Yurin

    Many thanks to those who left comments!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Великолепная работа!!!! Золото от меня! Отличная идея и воплощение!

    • Nikolay Yurin

      Сергей, спасибо!

  • Perfect Tommy

    That’s awesome! Gold!

  • Michаil_Malinin

    атмосферно! золото

    • Nikolay Yurin

      Михаил, спасибо!

  • Capoch

    Congrats! Impressive atmosphere

  • John Delamere


  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    офигенно! золото

    • Nikolay Yurin

      Melnikov Ivan, спасибо а оценку!