A black and white control exercise exclusively. All the bust is painted only with these two colors.
It seemed to me that a bust of World War II would suit black and white.
I hope you like it.
  • NateZhang

    very interesting vision ,nice try!

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    a lot of atmosphere and the weathering and tiredness are well shown!! Excellent!!

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Muy buen trabajo!

  • pstockley

    Nicely done. It isn’t as easy as it looks to paint just in B&W

    • David_Cardona_DCC

      Thanks mate, i recomend to try, i was a very interesting exercise

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Com ja et vaig dir m’encanta, tha quedat genial, sembla un fotograma d’un documental bèlic. Medalleta d’or!

    • David_Cardona_DCC

      Moltes gracies Andreu, aquesta era la idea, aixi que em quedo content jajaja.

  • Alex ✍

    Great job ❤️

  • TheGraveMiniatures

    Trabajazo que te has marcado , súper buen conseguido ! Muy inspirador