The sculpture was so fantastic that I painted excitingly.
I hope you enjoyed it.
  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Beautiful, violent and barbaric.

    • ohtekPLUS

      Thnx, i love babaric!!

  • girlpainter57

    great hues in the skin tones

  • Alex ✍

    Good job ❤️

    • ohtekPLUS

      Thnx master!

  • Archigrog

    Great paintjob… and great barbarian female atmosphere!

    • ohtekPLUS

      I love babarian world.

  • eric wolfsPLUS


    • ohtekPLUS

      Thnx master.!

  • pstockley

    Nice. Perhaps you could have added some other subtle tones (ochre, brown, green) to the fur to differentiate it from the grey NMM.

    • ohtekPLUS

      Thnx advice master.!
      I will do that use more color in grey NMM.

  • Clive Jackson

    Nice one! Gold!

  • Andrew Butler

    Thanks for a truly story telling piece !!!!

    • ohtekPLUS

      Thnx always share on facebook.!

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf
