Started this project in a Marc Masclans masterclass in Rome about 2 weeks ago.
I really enjoyed the class and this figure! It's very detailed and the cast is superb.
This is my first Sci-Fi attempt.
Hope you like it!

Miniature Producer: Kensho Miniatures by Matt Carnevale.

I higly recomand this figure! Give her a try!


  • Bran

    Very nice work on lighting and NMM, I really like it !!

    • Riccardo.Wino.Corno

      Thank you Bran! I tryied to do all the things that Marc teachs me.
      It’s all about sketching and blending!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Great painting !

  • yjxbyby

    Nice NMM work ~

  • Bran

    Thank you Bran! I tryied to do all the things that Marc teachs me.
    It’s all about sketching and blending!

    Beh, ha successo, impari molto rapidamente e hai saputo sfruttare la masterclass di Marc a Roma ... Oggi, in un periodo di confino, spero che tutto vada bene per te e che tu stia preparando un altra pittura di alto livello ....;-)

    • Riccardo.Wino.Corno

      Certo! Sessendo chiuso in casa sto dipingendo molto e spero di migliorare ancora!
      Grazie davvero moltissimo :D

  • kouhung Chung


  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Beautiful job friend!Gold

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    GOLD !!!

  • fabrizio1969PLUS

    Molto bella

  • Balazs Szendroi

    Awesome work, gold!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS
