Let me show you my latest painting, Candy Chan from NekoGalaxy Miniatures.
This project took me more than i really planned, but i think i've learned quite a lot during the process so i think it was worth the effort.
I must say a grat thanks to Arnau Lazaro for his help during his workshop and through the final steps of the painting. really appreciated!
Let me know what you guys think.
Gold !Péter Schaller
Thanky you Andrii!Entrevon
Superbe, un visage magnifique ...Péter Schaller
Merci Bernard!Tibor
Really really good! You made great progress in figure painting, love it!Péter Schaller
Thanks Bro! Really appreciated :)Archigrog
Wonderful paintjob!!!Péter Schaller
Thank you Archigrog!Alex ✍
Great job ❤️Péter Schaller
Thanks Alex! Appreciated!NateZhang
goldPéter Schaller
Thanks Nate! :)eric wolfsPLUS
Waow, great !!Péter Schaller
Thank you Eric!Nik Ableev
Great painting! only goldPéter Schaller
Thanks! :)pstockley
Very nice!Péter Schaller
Thank you Paul!Roman LappatPLUS
Editor's choice from my perspective. She works so well balanced, not too much of fency stuff going on, not less, just the right harmony to frame that wonderful face! Beautiful!Péter Schaller
Thanks Roman! This is such an honor and really means a lot! :)Iván Moles "Stuka"
great job, I really like the softness, the outline and the value, congratulations.Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud
Pure beauty!Blast Model
goodJose Manuel
Gold!! Nice colours!!!Ken 'milmart' Farrar
Nothing less than Gold.John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Wow Peter Gold !!! oro !!!