Angry bird and his Henchman' on 'sheep of war' ...

finished my version of this beautiful sculpt by Lucas Pina from Spiramirabilis Mniatures

I name the Dwarf 'Brondi',

in dwarfish it means ' the gullible one',

the sheep's name is 'Wallace' and the bird's name is 'William'.

Wallace is quite relaxed and only gets a little excited when he charges into battle.

William is quite pissed all the time, he is supposed to be a big bird of prey, a buzzard, but something went wrong and he did not grow out of his short stature. Brondi himself is a stubborn dwarf who is really good in looking grim, but in the end he does not care about this all too much ...

In private collection.

Hope you like my version!
Keep on happy painting!

You can follow my work here:
My miniatureart for sale.
  • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

    Felt in love since the first view. I love it mate, that sheep!! the grass in the mouth its an amazing add. And the hair in the arms (I was thinking in paint it also in my version hahah), the bird…I love ALL. Gold

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot, Ivan. It was such a cool sculpt to paint!

  • RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo

    Soooo nice and funny!
    One of my fav from you, love the sheep’s face, like Wallace warrior!!!!
    I don’t like the t-shirt, but I think it deserved a gold and editor. Cheers…. Beeeeeeeeeeeh

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many thanks, Fabrizio! It had to be a scottish sheep :D

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Wow, excellent version!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks a lot, Magnus! Happy you like it!

  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter

    a super job as always Román, but it is that the sheep man is incredible, the Bird in LOVE, platinum medal;)

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      :D ... the good memories of William Wallace, awaken with a sheep :D thank you!

  • WojciechBober72

    Bardzo ładnie dobrane kolory,które nadają specyficzny klimat postaci,znakomity detal,mojim zdaniem zasłóżone Złoto.Pozdrawiam

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thank you! Now I use google translator :)

  • girlpainter57

    so full of charactor

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Absolutely brilliant. Love your little writings on these characters. Fantastic paintjob with a lot of character.

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    Awesome!  I love all the amazing additions. The dead eye of the dwarf, the paint on the noble sheep steed, the grass, and all the textures!  So cooll!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Many thanks, Chris. Happy that all these little add-ons are visible :)

  • Alex ✍


  • Archigrog

    What a charme! And Always a nice idea before painting!

  • Kyle Maitland

    Love the textures, but really I’m still just laughing about calling a sheep ‘Wallace’ at all. 

    Nice work.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    funny great ! Gold

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      Thanks, Eric! William Wallace Memories!

  • Poliakov_Andrii


  • Daniele Petrucci .:: Zajon ::.

    Great job!  Gold

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Love it!

  • DavidColwellPLUS

    Just stunning and incredible !!! I wish I owned this bust!!!

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      It is a great piece and sculpt! Would love to see your take on it! Maybe you find one around at the ebay corner!

  • Eugene Dravskikh

    Incredible painwork!

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • Mario Hernando (Netsuke).

    Very beautiful work Roman, love the armony of this piece, the details are the history of the character. Big Gold.

  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Beautiful! I love the way you made this trio convincing enough to ride into battle together :D

    • Roman LappatPLUS

      They do not just only ride into battle! They own it! Thank you!

  • JanSoukup

    Great painting❤

  • Roy Jones


  • joseluiscabrera

    espectacular trabajo compañero. ORO