Mama Búho

This is the last figure I have painted during this days of confinement. It is a special gift for a special friend.

I really enjoyed very much working on this figure from Spira Mirabilis, sculpted by Lucas Pina.

Hope that you like it.
  • RodrigoHChacon

    Qué bonita! Uno no se cansa de verla. En mano tiene que ser una pasada. Enhorabuena, Marc!

  • girlpainter57


  • kov1980


  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS


  • Stanislav_Musevich

    Very nice! Gold!

  • Daniele Petrucci .:: Zajon ::.


  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    Very nice, I really like the treatment of light and the choice of colors. Birds looks are funny and so expressive!!

  • Mario Hernando (Netsuke).

    Es una preciosidad de pieza Marc, me encanta la luz y la armonía del conjunto. Trabajazooo. Gold.

  • Alex ✍

    Great job ❤️

  • pstockley

    Beautiful interpretation.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Very beautifull version of Mama Buho. A really great master’s painting. Golds, of course.

  • mmasclans

    Thank you very much for your nice words! :)

  • Roberto Del Cima

    Very very nice!!!!

  • kinslord

    Sense paraules, m’encanta la il·luminació i les textures de la roba.

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    Gold !

  • TimPLUS

    She’s beautiful