Finally completed the painting of the Μιλτιάδης (Battle of Marathon, 490 BC) from Medieval Forge Miniatures.
This figure is the fourth and final, in my project of a small diorama.
P.S. I decided to make bronze copis, not iron. Archaeological precedents seem to exist, and it seemed that it would look ... more harmonious or something.
  • Dmitry Fursov


  • girlpainter57

    brill , love the subdued red ,great work on the shield

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you very much for your feedback. I am very glad that you liked my paintwork.

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    типа золото)

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Категорически благодобрю! :)

  • Maiorov Stepan

    Вери GOLD Евгений! ))

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    fantastic ! gold !

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you very much ! Very glad that you liked this work.

  • Francesco ThauPLUS


  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    I like it a lot. The shield emblem is ancient-like black figure painting, nice details on the cuirass.  Gold.

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you for your opinion and appreciation! It was really hard to work with the shield. I had not done the effect of peeling paint before.

  • Philippe

    Amazing shield! Great figure! Gold!

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you so much! And the figure is really great. Oleg Poghosyan is a wonderful sculptor!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Золото и выбор редакции от меня! Смотрю и каждый раз присматриваюсь к деталям!

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Спасибище огромное! И не только за колоссальную мотивацию и высокую оценку, но и за неоценимую помощь!

  • Stanislav_Musevich


  • Loskutov_Vadim

    Славный грека вышел!

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Спасибо большое :) Старался, чтобы был не хуже предыдущего :) Вроде вышло :)

  • Ingvar_L3x

    Very Nice Project!
    Would be great to see it’s finally completed with the pedestal.

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you so much! I myself hope that the diorama will turn out more or less watchable :)))

  • Oleg Pogosian


    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Спасибо огромное! Очень рад, что понравилось исполнение! Что-то мне подсказывает, что будет у меня ещё одна роспись этой фигуры :)

  • kov1980


  • ArtNiak

    Beautiful version !

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you so much. I am very glad that you liked my painting.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Woaw !  Great piece. I really like it a lot !

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you very much for your positive opinion about my paintwork!

  • Andrey Miroshnichenko

    Красивая работа, крутая роспись! Золото!

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Благодарю сердечно :) Рад, что понравилось!

  • Vladimir_Golubev


  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    very impressive painting. I love the shield of course, but I also like very much the white armor, with very nice contrast and very nice weathering. Great piece!!

    • Eugene Dravskikh

      Thank you very much for your positive opinion about my paintwork!
      “White armor” is essentially a material from glued linen. Linothorax. It was painted like fabric :)

  • WojciechBober72
