Da Fugitive
Da Fugitive
Da Fugitive
Da Fugitive
So this was my entry to the Duel Category at GD Germany. My first time going to such an event, and thus my first time entering anything as well. I was not sure what to expect.

My duel was pitting the ultimate in weak opponents against each other. A grot armed with a pistol, and a Nurgling armed with what nature ( or the warp ) gave him/her/it!

In the end I even got a Finalist Medal for it! Which for a first time entry, and considering how long I have been trying to paint better, I am happily surprised by it! And very happy to receive it!
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Well, as said to you in person, this is definatly your best work so far! I really love the duel between those two! Next time, just dive a little longer my friend! Well done!

    • Kyle "Mr Lee" Cruickshank

      Thanks Roman. Am looking forward to learning more in September and how to push these projects further! Thanks for the kind words for this!

  • Peter "Baphomet" TothPLUS

    hehe :) cool duel! Like it a lot :)

  • Thomas Wasch

    Nice idea…both thumbs up. I like these tiny green guys

  • Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)

    Love this!!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Excellent work Mr lee…congrats on your finals round win gold