This project is called “One Last Song”.

A little over 3 months ago a friend of mine died. Unrelated, the COVID-19 situation blew up just after that and lead to me being unable to go to their funeral and get closure/start some sort of healing process.

I know a lot of you out there use the Miniatures World for processing or getting a break from life’s challenges; especially these days. Keep at it and I am right there with you friends. But maybe some of you haven’t thought of it as an outlet for emotions or ideas. I encourage you to give it a try and see if it helps you. Maybe it doesn’t work in that way for you and that’s ok :) There are many other things out there that are tried and true.

I think in writing that it will make this project clear. I have poured a lot of my own emotions, thoughts and my experiences with my friend into this in various ways. It hurts to look at it, but it also makes me happy and calm.

Good bye my friend. I can still hear your laugh and see your smile.
  • Anna Lepskaja

    Gold .
    • Wade

      Thank you Anna :)
  • Roman LappatPLUS

    One of the best miniature art projects I habe seen for a while. Heart-touching and full of soul! I love it! Editor's choice from my side!
    • Wade

      Thank you Roman and thank you for being awesome - keep on inspiring people to see and create the art :)
  • Tom Philbrick

    Phenomenal piece, Wade! So sorry for your loss....
    • Wade

      Thank you Tom :)
  • Denniz Hedin SaloPLUS

    I love it, fantastic use of colors and composition!
    • Wade

      Thank you Denniz :D
  • girlpainter57

    very emphatic and masterfully done
    • Wade

      Thank you :D
  • Denis Izotov

    such a beautiful piece. and sorry for your loss
    • Wade

      Thank you Denis :)
  • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

    cant be less than a gold.
    • Wade

      awww thanks Ivan :) <3
  • John Cordiano

    Once again... beautiful. Thanks for sharing a bit of your heart with us.
    • Wade

      Hehe thank you :)
  • Kyle Maitland

    I love what you've done with this, and the overall feel and style. One of the best projects I've seen in some time. Beautiful and touching.
    • Wade

      Thank you Kyle!!! :D
  • Bran

    Condolences for your friend Wade .....
    • Wade

      Thank you :)
  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Fantastic work mate!
    • Wade

      Thank you Magnus :D
  • Eugene Dravskikh

    Very unusual and beautiful interpretation! Gold!
    • Wade

      Thank you very much!
  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Very emotive mate, i love your work, really nice! I see clearly that you have done it with your heart
    • Wade

      Thank you!
  • Jakob V

  • Atila KawautiPLUS

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    great work !