My 3rd Miniature Ever, 1st time doing NMM and OSL and also 1st time painting a human face. These posed as huge challenges for me. Also enjoyed doing the custom base. But I learned and this project is my pride and Joy. Took Gold and Best in Show for a local competition.
  • Vasily Orlov


  • Alexander "Skrytnik" Loskutov

    This is wonderful! What is snow made of?

    • Quinlan Cilliers

      Snow is made of snow flock from Green Stuff World. I used a bit of a different method than most. I made the snow putty as tutorials said. But then also sprikled some of the dry snow flock on top while putty was still wet

  • Steve Garcia

    Very well done. 3rd mini, damn lol. Gold

    • Quinlan Cilliers

      Haha Thank you. Coming from you that means a lot. Some amazing paint jobs on your profile.

  • girlpainter57

    exceptional for 3rd figure , can’t wait for the next

    • Quinlan Cilliers

      Currently busy with one. Unique take on Jason Chainsaw model. Thank you for the kind words

  • Denis Izotov

    3rd miniature. oh gosh. This painting is awesome in any terms

    • Quinlan Cilliers

      Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. Let’s hope it can reach gold

  • pstockley

    Nice job!

  • Quinlan Cilliers

    Wow GOLD

    • Quinlan Cilliers

      It only posted some of it. Wanted to say Thanks everyone for voting this one

  • Konstantin <SUNchazer> Malyovanko


  • Anton Santoso


  • Alessandro

    Good work! I like it! Gold!