I'd like to present the bigest and the most time consuming project I did so far.
It took me about 250 hours overal - to build the diorama, slightly convert the miniatures and paint the whole.
The khights barding was converted and some muscles at the back of the dragon sculped (not very visible at the photos).
It have some flaws as I run out of time, and some elements were painted very fast so I could manage finish it for GD. Still I'm happy that I did it on time. The base for sure should have some more work as the Vampire.
At first the idea was to have immensly freehended Green Knight to take into GD as single fantasy entry, but abou 4 weeks before the competition this idea come to my mind. That's why the Knight is the strongest part (imo) of the diorama. I wanted to try some very hard frehands so I went for human faces as In my regard it's hard to paint them looking more or less natural. It was the hardest part of the paint and realy broke my nerves.
Also I wants to deeply apologise for my behaviour during taking GD awards.
It was strong emotions that prevailed over common sense. For last 2 days before GD I barely slept paiting for over 35 h non-stop with only 4 hours of sleping and even in Cologne I was finishing this entry from 2 a.m till 10 a.m on sunday. I was extremly exausted and didn't manage to cool down and look at my entry in objective way. Jarheds work was absolutely epic, full of drama and for sure deserved the sword.
Best regards,
Dirk R.
The Dio looks great - a wonderful idea ! The knight ist A M A Z I N G !!!Thomas "Stoessi" Stoesser
Takes balls to admit when you've make a mistake. You sir, have balls! Regarding your diorama: The knight and the vampire are outstanding. I mean really, really outstanding. The rocks of the surrounding scene could have used more love and attention, but hey... I can't paint half as good as you, so I'll shut up now. :)Mirco Vagnini (VaghenerMix)
wonderful compliments;) goldBran
Wow !! I love it !!