This is my contribution to the kickstarter Echoes of Camelot by Big Child Creatives. Amazing sculpture by Alejandor Muñoz based on the concept by Pedro Nunez. I try to capture the original idea of the colour concept looking for a grey and cold ambient.
Magnus FagerbergPLUS
Super good mate!girlpainter57
fantasticBlast Model
GoldAnna Lepskaja
GoldRhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins
Extraordinary! You’ve breathed new life into the old myth.Stanislav Mokhov
100% золотоIngvar_L3x
Great Miniature! I like so much the coloring scheme and the level of painting! Definitely Gold! Cheers!Gianluca "Branzu" Buttigliero
Super!!!eric wolfsPLUS
Great !Bran
Fantastic !!Alex ✍
Great job ❤️Nicolae Mihai
Wonderful! GOLD!Cristiano
Great work, i like it. GoldSteve "Babelfish" Riley
Breathtaking. Gold all the way