Deep forest duel. Stormcast versus Blood Warrior.
Deep forest duel. Stormcast versus Blood Warrior.
Deep forest duel. Stormcast versus Blood Warrior.
In this project I wanted to have a solid golden angle for the duel, so I worked on the composition and the scenery more than usual. The background was inspired by an Unchanterd 2 concept art.

Hope you like it!
  • Phil "hairster" Pryce

    Amazing tone and attention to detail Olmo - Gold!

  • Mariano del Olmo

    Gold! Great and perfect work my friend! Impressive NMM and great atmosphere and basing. Congrats! Best, Mariano

  • MartinMateosFeral

    Impresionante escena!

  • Alex Silvestri

    very nice. Gold ! Maybe I would have liked to see the scene from other angles as well in order to appreciate your paint work even more. Cheers !

    • Olmo Castrillo

      Thanks a lot! I’ll try to upload more views. In case you want to check the back of the miniatures, they are on my Instagram: olmo_castrillo_miniatures. Thanks again!

  • Paul "Duxxie" Duckers

    fantastic composition and paintwork. Gold for sure.

  • Alex ✍

    Great job ❤️

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Incredible work -just incredible gold goldgold

  • WojciechBober72


  • Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins

    Superb work. You did a great job tying together a lot of individually strong elements.

  • Fran García "Damek"

    Un trabajo genial y muy completo a nivel técnico Olmo, enhorabuena.

  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Preciosa escena Olmo, sencillamente magnífica!  Oro para este trabajazo!

    • Olmo Castrillo

      Gracias, Iván! Vaya trabajos más chulos te has marcado últimamente, me alegra.

  • Ingvar_L3x

    This Project Looks Very Nice!
    Amazing Work! Definitely Gold!

  • Patricia Sancho

    Preciosa escena, muy bien ambientada. Particularmente los rojos, muy difíciles porque con verde agrisan. Oroy editor’s por mi parte

    • Olmo Castrillo

      Muchas gracias, Patricia, me alegra que te guste.

  • Maiorov Stepan

    It is very cool! Gold

  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    I love it, gold!

  • Magobaku

    fantastic!gold medal

  • Olmo Castrillo

    Thank you all for the kind words and the support!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS


  • "SCV Park" Yeong Min

    Very Nice~! Gold~!!

  • byebye

    Supreme *_* Gold

  • Alessandro Natale

    Very very very nice!!

  • Victor Vera

    Super bonita , enhorabuena

  • John Delamere

    Amazing work!

  • Clive Jackson

    Stunning work at this scale! Gold!

  • Natalia Oracz

    Very nice scene, the background blends into the base and adds to the composition.

  • Bran

    Congratulations !

  • Olmo Castrillo

    Thank you all for the nice words, I’m really glad you liked it!

  • Stanislav_Musevich

    Super! Gold!