Fremen of Dune
Fremen of Dune
Fremen of Dune
For this project I wanted to work on strong emotions in the skintones and a very interesting light situation, like a sunray hitting from one side, reflecting on the other side from the floor and emergency light (red) from the back.

3d printed on my Elegoo Mars Pro @25micron layers 8x antialising in chitubox.

You can find the file here:
  • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

    Great paint !!!

  • WojciechBober72

    Cool job

  • Liu Yu Kang


  • Michel

    Eine Fremen Kriegerin mit spiceblauen Augen!
    Tolle Arbeit!

    • Daniel Gütl

      Danke Michel, höre seit Wochen nur Dune hörbücher beim Malen :)

  • Philippe

    Great job!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Inspired from “Dune” ?
    Great painting, gold

    • Daniel Gütl

      Thanks Eric. Yes I have been inspired, been listening to the audiobooks for tthe last month while painting.

  • Thorbjorn Barone

    Looks amazing Daniel!

  • Francois "Frado" Daugny

    great atmosphere painting, such a lively character !! Great!!

  • Jens Riber Poulsen

    Absolutely wow!

  • Ale Moro

    Nice work!!! Gold!