Hi all,<br />
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Here is my latest 90 mm mini "Wind of Change". It was sculpted from sugguestions from my backers on KS as a stretch goal. General theme of the model is "Wind". However, in addition to the dynamics of wind, i also wanted the model to be open for several interpretations. Generally inspired by 18th century painters e.g. Bouguereau or Merl, like most of my other stuff. <br />
For anyone interested, mini is available at: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/baroneminiatures/call-for-help-miniature.<br />
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Kindest regards<br />
  • Denniz Hedin SaloPLUS

    It’s so amazing and full of emotions and movement. You can allost feel the wind! I love it!
    • Thorbjorn Barone

      Thank you Denniz, glad to hear it worked out :)
  • Jakob V

    Amazing work my friend!
  • Atila KawautiPLUS

  • girlpainter57

    beautiful movement , her arms are open like sails in the wind
  • Alex ✍

    Amazing job once again ❤️
  • pit rehmkePLUS

    Good job! I have seldom seen such an authentically modeled figure.
  • Poliakov_Andrii
