Mother Nature and its Elements...
Third on my list is Earth. Miss Earth!
  • WojciechBober72


  • Evgeny Rimul

    Красотища!!! Золото!

  • girlpainter57

    they are all fantastic , but this one stands out to me , it as beauty and warmth

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thank you for your kind words. I am glad that you liked the figures in this series.

  • Oleg Pogosian

    Браво Владимир Петрович !!

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Спасибо, Олег! Стараюсь не ударить в грязь лицом, Маэстро.

  • Kyle Maitland

    Your series of elemental goddesses is fantastic.  This one is very striking and inviting.

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thank you so much for your kind words!

  • Michael Jänicke

    Where can i buy a copy?

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thanks. Yes, but all in good time. :) ;)

  • Dexter0015

    Magnificient. gold!

  • Bran

    A magnificent sculpture! Well done Vladimir !!

  • Theodoros Giannakopoulos

    Great, as always !

  • Alessandro Natale

    Really lovely, agree with girlpainter, this is my favorite so far.. can’t see the time to discover the fourth one and maybe at that point we’ll know who will release them!!

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thank you so much for your words! That’s right: the release will be after the project is completed. :) ;)

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Fabulous sculpting. Gold !

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    ЗОЛОТО конечно !!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    waiting for thge cast. if it possible, drop me a message on FB =)
    gold of course

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Сам уже жду завершения работы над проектом! Обязательно сообщу. ;)

  • David Ward

    Beautiful. Gold.

  • Patricia Sancho

    Golf and editor’s. I LOVE everything about this

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thank you so much for the highest evaluation of this work! I will try not to disappoint you in the future!

  • Fedorov Ilya

    Абсолютная красота

  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    Amazing, gold!

  • Davide "Snake" Decina

    Simply Gold!

  • Javier Hueso "PacoJavi"

    Remembers me the Indian temples’ sculptures. Precious.

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Thank You very much for kind words!

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Are these commercially available?

    • Vladimir Sychev

      Probably very soon. I have already received my “author” copies.

  • jparkdr
