The Greatest Dane
The Greatest Dane
The Greatest Dane
The Greatest Dane
My homage to the greatest Dane of all, our sadly missed Theo.

Painted as a gift to my wife as a forever memory of a truly beautiful member of our family.
My thanks to Anastasiya Podorozhna for sculpting such a perfect piece for me to re create his markings.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    What a beauty -both the PUPPER and the rendition - I’m certain that doggie meant a lot- I think it’s a fantastic way to use your talents to honor a Mans best .i take from the text that you lost your beauty of a k-9
    All I can say as an animal / pupper lover (having 3 of my own 2 Bernese mountaineers and 1corgi) that I am so deeply and truly sorry that things this loving can’t last forever . I’m sorry mslky truly I am.
    Great job

    • Mally Anderson

      Thanks Johnny,
      He was a larger than life character for sure. As dog lovers they all hold a special place for us and he was no exception. It was a wonderful thing to be able to do, to create that tangible memory through the art that we love.

  • Kilsh

    Always liked this Mally, Gold from me!



    • Mally Anderson

      Thanks mate, great to hear you like it

  • Marius "Der Stone "Stein

    The fur is amazing! Your project touched me in so many ways! Thank you for sharing it!

    • Mally Anderson

      Thank you Marius. It is what made this so special for me, the story and emotion that went with it. There was a lot of love went I to this

  • girlpainter57

    great rendition of fur and fleash

  • Matteo

    Oh, Great work! Lot of coincidences here, I actually have a Great Dane too (Isaac) and my name is Matteo but friends and family call me Teo.

    • Mally Anderson

      Thank you Matteo.
      Yes that’s some big coincidences

    • Matteo

      I’ve been brief enough because I can’t even think about your loss also because, let’s say we can call my lovely Isaac “Isaac the Gray”, as someone said very touching.

  • Bran

    Very nice tribute…

  • Kyle Maitland

    What an amazing tribute.  Top class work Mally.

    • Mally Anderson

      Thanks Kyle - I really appreciate that

  • Martin CollierPLUS

    love this model some of your best work gold

    • Mally Anderson

      Thanks mate, a lot of love in this one.
      And once again - your vote has tipped me into the gold

  • Martin CollierPLUS

    Hahaha no worries dude one day I will get one

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf
