My version of this famous bust by nutsplanet. Wonderful quality, very pleasant to paint, I really enjoyed this one. Hope you will like my work!
  • John Davis

    The painting is outstanding - the face is particular seems almost photographic - if that isn’t a contradiction for a pre photography historical figure.
    Love it.

  • Bran

    Une des plus belles versions que j’ai vu de ce Saladin… Bravo Pierre !!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    En effet, une belle version de cette pièce devenue un incontournable. Or

  • "SCV Park" Yeong Min

    very good~! Gold~!

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    Gold, of course

    • Pierre Balmette

      Thanks a lot, you lights have forgot to vote, I don’t see yours in the log. Thanks anyway !

  • David Ward

    Beautifully painted. Gold.

  • Ricardo Pisa

    So real!

  • Philippe

    très belle peinture, j’aime beaucoup! Gold!

  • Natalia Oracz

    Very nice version! :D

  • Laurent Aubry aka Pisco

    Bravo pour ton Saladin. Cette pièce est complexe et n’offre pas une large manœuvre pour s’exprimer. Superbe version !

  • pit rehmke

    Very good facial expression, the lights and shadows used very nicely.

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    GOLD !!!!

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Very nice indeed!

  • WojciechBober72


  • Patrik Ruzic


  • jparkdr
