I got this one early last year when I got into mini painting and decided to strip it and painted back to see my progress.  It was a very different experience from the first time around.  

Ended up enjoying the process and doing so much NMM in one mini.  Also wanted to go a little dark with the cape and the faces but they are not as impactful as I wanted them to be. 
  • WojciechBober72


    • Zeev


  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"


    • Zeev

      Thank you, really appreciate it.

  • Militarist_Studio

    Cool! Gold!

    • Zeev

      Thank you!

  • Ricardo Pisa

    Sweet version! Got mine on the backlog for ages! -.-

    • Zeev

      Thank you!

  • RaTr

    Real nice mate ;)

    • Zeev

      Thank you!  Now I need to get as good as you.

  • jparkdr
