Kaata Princess on Panther - Artisan Guild Miniature, Etsy
Eikovra, ikon warrior on foot, Mierce miniatures
minis around 32-40 mm
sorry, I can only post 4 pictures, you'll not see the back wich is blueish
I don't if premiums can access to the pictures not shown
  • girlpainter57

    fantastic work on such a small scale

    • sk_drille

      thanks, I’ve post a picture of the panther’s face to see the eyes

  • Ale Moro

    Nice job! Gold!

    • sk_drille

      thank you

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    wow, gold!

    • sk_drille

      thanks Ivan

  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    I love it! gold!

    • sk_drille

      Nice, thanks

  • fabrizio1969PLUS


    • sk_drille

      Thank you Fabrizio, one more vote to see the reward ...

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    The panther is really fantastic. The decor too. Gold !

    • sk_drille

      Thank you Éric, I took the cloudy panther as a model for my work, not that easy to draw all the patterns and shapes.
      I’m very happy with the eyes I managed to paint, even if it’s hard to see them in the settings of the diorama

  • Clive Jackson

    Stunning! Gold!

    • sk_drille

      Thanks Clive

  • Militarist_Studio

    Cool!!! Gold!

    • sk_drille

      Thank you for your support

  • jparkdr
