Powerful! You have a very distinct style, and this suits the model very well. If you havent painted it, I think you should paint Raffaelle Picca’s Sentinel of R’Lyeh from FER. Would be awesome with your aggressive colouring. Anyways, great work once again.
Nice job-goldakitaka-misenai
The color, light and shade good! GoldJakob V
Powerful! You have a very distinct style, and this suits the model very well. If you havent painted it, I think you should paint Raffaelle Picca’s Sentinel of R’Lyeh from FER. Would be awesome with your aggressive colouring. Anyways, great work once again.Benjamin "metal_af" Kantor
Thanks! I looked that bust up... pretty cool sculpt! I might do it!Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
just wow. Gold!Kyle Maitland
Very nice colour work. Its not easy being green ;)Peter (Chilwd)
love the ambiance, great work!Max RichieroPLUS